Quem Somos

De origem mineira, a ebFarda possui mais de 10 anos de tradição na confecção de uniformes camuflados para os militares do Exército Brasileiro. Nossos colaboradores estão empenhados em melhorar cada vez mais nossa Farda para encantar nossos clientes.


Somos movidos pela busca constante da qualidade.

Nossa Fábrica

Nossa fábrica nasceu da necessidade de encontrar fardamento militar de qualidade e resistente às atividades do dia a dia. Então, em 2014, inauguramos a fábrica ebFarda, na cidade de Três Corações.

Material de qualidade

Desde a nossa fundação, a maior preocupação sempre foi buscar no mercado as melhores e mais modernas tecnologias, quando o assunto é costura de tecido camuflado. Optamos por automatizar toda a nossa produção para que todos os fardamentos possuam um criterioso padrão de qualidade e uma uniformidade quando o assunto é simetria e acabamento.

Bem vindo

Seja bem-vindo ao maior e melhor fornecedor de fardamentos militares. Aqui você tem a tranquilidade de uma compra com garantia e satisfação ou seu dinheiro de volta.

Our Story
Our Mission
Connect with Us

Once upon a digital landscape, where the world connected through the click of a button and the sparkle of screens, there emerged an online jewelry store named “Eternal Elegance Online.” In this virtual realm, where pixels and creativity danced together, customers embarked on a journey to discover timeless treasures without leaving the comfort of their homes.

At the helm of this enchanted e-store was Isabella Sterling, a visionary entrepreneur with a passion for bringing elegance to the fingertips of the world. Isabella curated an exquisite collection of jewelry, carefully selected to suit every taste and occasion. From dazzling engagement rings to delicate everyday pieces, Eternal Elegance Online aimed to transform the act of buying jewelry into a magical experience.

Once upon a digital landscape, where the world connected through the click of a button and the sparkle of screens, there emerged an online jewelry store named “Eternal Elegance Online.” In this virtual realm, where pixels and creativity danced together, customers embarked on a journey to discover timeless treasures without leaving the comfort of their homes.

At the helm of this enchanted e-store was Isabella Sterling, a visionary entrepreneur with a passion for bringing elegance to the fingertips of the world. Isabella curated an exquisite collection of jewelry, carefully selected to suit every taste and occasion. From dazzling engagement rings to delicate everyday pieces, Eternal Elegance Online aimed to transform the act of buying jewelry into a magical experience.

Once upon a digital landscape, where the world connected through the click of a button and the sparkle of screens, there emerged an online jewelry store named “Eternal Elegance Online.” In this virtual realm, where pixels and creativity danced together, customers embarked on a journey to discover timeless treasures without leaving the comfort of their homes.

At the helm of this enchanted e-store was Isabella Sterling, a visionary entrepreneur with a passion for bringing elegance to the fingertips of the world. Isabella curated an exquisite collection of jewelry, carefully selected to suit every taste and occasion. From dazzling engagement rings to delicate everyday pieces, Eternal Elegance Online aimed to transform the act of buying jewelry into a magical experience.

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